Building a Scalable Future: Conexity’s Success Story with VETRO’s Fiber Management Solution

How selecting a purpose-built fiber management platform improves efficiency, accuracy, and scalability in network design, operation, and growth.


Conexity is a company based in Monterrey and the state of Nuevo León, Mexico. They specialize in telecommunications and smart infrastructure services, helping businesses and organizations in the region stay connected and operate efficiently.

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The Challenge

The Gentor Group launched Conexity as a new subsidiary to broaden their service offerings. Conexity focuses on providing shared infrastructure services and it had the opportunity to design, build and operate a new fiber optic network to serve their corporate clients in the city of Monterrey. The engineering team, led by David Perez Degollado, needed to find the most appropriate tool to manage the processes of creating this new infrastructure asset effectively.

Traditional GIS methods considered:
Since Conexity had an accelerated pace in mind for the design and construction of the new fiber optic network, geographic information system (GIS) tools such as Google Earth and QGIS could map the routes but did not have the capacity to offer a complete solution for:

  • Splice management

  • Fiber tracing

  • Inventory capacity

Other inventory tools considered:
Traditional software programs for fiber network inventory had other limitations such as:

  • Scheduling complexity: The man hours required to complete the designs were not feasible considering the size of the engineering team.

  • Disjointed information: Manual data entry is required on multiple platforms (Excel spreadsheets) to document details of network elements.

  • Limited scalability: Traditional software tools could not support Conexity’s growth projections.

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The Solution:
Conexity implemented VETRO FiberMap. Designed specifically to address the needs of fiber network operators, the VETRO platform connects the complex world of broadband infrastructure with the intuitive tools, techniques and aesthetics of truly disruptive software.

Benefits of VETRO:

Centralized data: All information on passive (cables, splitters, ODF, splice closures) and active (OLT, ONT) components is stored in one place, allowing for unified management and customized views.

Continuous Fiber Tracking: VETRO FiberMap accurately tracks fiber routes, eliminating manual checks and ensuring an accurate understanding of the network.

Inventory Optimization: VETRO helps identify available fiber cable resources for optimal strand allocation, maximizing network efficiency and cost savings.

Improved asset management: Conexity can easily track all elements of the network, facilitating maintenance and efficient utilization of resources.

Improved troubleshooting: VETRO’s detailed inventory allows for quick identification and resolution of network problems, minimizing downtime.

Effective Monitoring: Real-time network performance data in VETRO allows the NOC to proactively monitor and optimize service delivery.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Insights from VETRO’s comprehensive data analytics inform strategic planning and future investments.

The Result:
By implementing VETRO, Conexity has achieved:

  • Greater efficiency: optimized network management and resource allocation processes.

  • Improved Decision Making: Data-Driven insights for Informed Strategic Planning.

  • Enhanced scalability: a future-proof solution to support Conexity’s growth aspirations.

  • Optimized resource allocation: Better chain utilization leads to cost savings and efficiency in network expansion.

  • Upgraded asset management: VETRO facilitates efficient maintenance and reduces operating costs.

  • Improved network performance: Real-time monitoring and troubleshooting ensure optimal service delivery.

  • Optimized sales and facilities: Accurate inventory enables efficient customer service and new business opportunities.

“Before VETRO, managing our fiber network was like juggling blindfolded: disorganized and risky. Tools like QGIS and Excel are not a reliable system. Now it's like having a magical map that shows us everything, all in one place. It's reliable, easy to customize, and helps us make smart decisions. “VETRO is like the secret weapon that unleashed the full potential of our company.”

VETRO has enabled Conexity to transition from a legacy system to a modern data-driven approach to managing its fiber optic network. Conexity’s experience highlights the importance of using purpose-built fiber management platforms like VETRO FiberMap for efficient network design, operation and maintenance. This has resulted in improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, and improved performance, allowing Conexity to scale with confidence and meet its future growth objectives.


At VETRO, we believe visualizing data unlocks hidden potential, radically simplifying the way businesses operate and digitizing the future of connectivity. We focus on empowering network operators with unparalleled clarity and control over their fiber networks, enabling them to move faster, better, and more efficiently than ever before. Our revolutionary platform isn’t just software – it’s the physical network asset system of record, offering unprecedented visibility and control from strategic planning to daily operations. We empower our customers to bridge the digital divide at a rapid pace, unlock unforeseen opportunities, and squeeze the maximum value from their networks. Let’s illuminate the unseen, digitize the way we connect, and shape the future of connectivity, together.

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