Your network map is your “digital master” for your business; it’s important to minimize unauthorized access, prevent mistakes, and keep sensitive data private. That’s why we’re excited to announce a new FiberMap feature, Layer Permissions!
Layer Permissions allows an admin user to control who has access to view, create, update and delete the layers in a VETRO instance. Layer Permissions can help companies like yours:
- Minimize Risk
Prevents team members from editing, deleting or simply seeing the wrong information; don’t fix mistakes, prevent them.
- Create Accessibility
Allows for a safe “sandbox” environment for new hires and novice VETRO users.
- Maintain Privacy
Gives you the ability to hide sensitive or private information from vendors, team members, anyone logging into your instance.
- Drive Productivity
Let’s you create “focus views” that show only what team members need to use, and allow edits to only necessary layers.
Check out this simple tutorial:

VETRO builds software that makes it radically simpler and faster for broadband providers to plan, design, build, and operate their fiber optic networks. Our map-based SaaS platform is easier to use and more powerful than traditional tools, and enables network owners, operators and sponsors to benefit from a modern, integrated, and connected digital hub for their physical network assets. We deliver Internet Infrastructure Intelligence.