In early October we had the privilege of attending the Fiber Network Alliance’s annual conference at Jekyll Island Georgia. There were a few takeaways and trends from the show which are worth a short discussion, as well as a couple of conversations that really stood out to us as examples of companies doing interesting projects.
Supply Chain Impact
One of the frequent topics of conversation was the state of the supply chain and how it is impacting suppliers, their customers, and their customers’ projects. Hardware suppliers are being squeezed by both the availability of silicon and computer chips as well as by the logistical backlogs associated with overseas production, shipping, port of entry issues, and transportation once the goods have landed.
This was a very present topic as Savannah is the US’s 3rd largest container port and has ships queued up at sea waiting to unload, and 50% more containers than normal in the yard. It impacted the booth presence of at least one vendor, and delays are being felt as construction and builds progress.
A Quality-First Mentality
A second trend of note was an echo of a broader trend towards best of breed products, versus working with all-in-one providers. This was especially relevant for software offerings which, like in many other markets, are becoming more and more specialized and tailored to specific needs and use cases.
These more specialized tools and applications require integrations with other software and systems in the BSS and OSS realms. We spoke to over-builders, engineering firms, companies operating ring connectors, ISPs, Co-Ops and others, and this was a top-of-mind issue for them. Companies which haven’t designed integrations into their software from the get-go seem to be at a distinct disadvantage.

Customer Success
One of the best parts of our time at the Fiber Network Alliance annual convention was the chance to connect with some of our customers. Tri-County EMC is working with two of our partners, Camvio and Conexon, and the integration and collaboration offered by Camvio’s billing system and Conexon’s services is simply fabulous and is a great example of the importance of integrations and partnerships in the fiber arena.
Seimitsu is a Savannah-based provider of IT services and high-speed broadband fiber who owns and operates a 70+ mile fiber network. Their business is thriving, including a new cyber security offering, and they are using VETRO across the entire network lifecycle to map and manage their fiber assets.
About VETRO, Inc.
VETRO is a fiber asset management software provider. Our tools give ISPs, Cooperatives, Engineering firms, broadband consultants, and State and Local Broadband offices a single source of truth, a central repository for your network information, to help you plan, design, build, and operate your fiber network. And, yes, we feature integrations, lots of them, as a core element of how we are setting the new standard for broadband mapping and fiber asset management.